a penis you ever played?
Amid recontra monse my morning, I received this thong:
There's an accident with a bus full of nuns, and all die ...
arrive to heaven and try to enter but the door is St. Peter and says,> 'Calm sisters, please form a line india and answer my question:
- to see Sister Mary ... have you ever touched a penis?
- Jijijijji, well, it was only once ... and was with the tip of my finger ...
- Okay, said St. Peter, "Put your finger in the holy water and pass. Sor Ines's see ... have you ever touched a penis?
- Well, yes, but only grabbed it with his left hand.
"Well, if so, put your left hand in holy water and pass.
heard in this tremendous uproar and pushing one of the nuns finally achieved get to the front.
- But for my daughters so much fuss?
- Look excellence, ... if I have to gargle with this water, I do it before Sister Beatriz wash your ass.
Tremendous nuns ... and do not tell them how much water you need me! so chubby then, evil-minded! jajajajaja.