Thursday, December 31, 2009

Thank You Letter For Dentist

Damn paradox Reflections Viejito

We ended the year to date and that is only what I can thank Bad Boy, who not only has behaved in recent weeks, but it also left me a neck marking show dignity to the envy of my friends who have no husband or loving friend or anything ... what a shame! Hahaha. I'm a damn, but they are sooo special. I said once, I think the other blog , one has only drawn one and fuck up in life, and has 35 years ... not then!
Not that anyone pull me, once I tried to leave the format, but no no no, with nobody I'm so in confidence, plus it is reciprocal, it told me the other day Muchachito the famous "just you" . Hold on to someone you tiemples and cop me again as you did before.
What I wonder is if I had a new relationship-oh-fiction, fiction, fiction! - Will still screwing around when he was with the Lord and you gave me ... and I looking for the use of licenses issued? (The famous license ...)
Finally, and as it may, I just want to thank those 7 fans I have, I did not think to find one more today, it is curious to follow me even when the frequency has been affected by chamba but have seen that I have always maintained the truth and above all, eager to share as much or as little conosco.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Free Online Primer Annealing

Suddenly I have to tell two things Bad Boy:
1. Not always achieve the goal, clearly mine, yours if, and always, is tangible. (I mean we know that your goal .... mine has no tangible physical evidence .... ches) How loose soil
fuck you tell the friend that rarely gets you? Rarely no, not always. I mean, yes, we have fun, have fun, it gives me great happiness and no one complains about my bad mood, I mean, I think at home rather give thanks for the games, hahaha.
worst thing is that the last time we were going to coordinate meeting via MSN, I understood or knew how to tell the details .... important to me. Rare
give me some roche say that because for other things, none of Roche, on the contrary, we have an incredible confidence, I do not want to hurt his male ego saying: Daddy, all rich but I still arrive. Be strong.
never actually asked me if I come or not, indicating that no one cares, and this year we OJO, pucha, is that it is time to end this "relationship" we have?
Gang! How I miss your advice man!
Well, two things were said.
2. Right now I'm, I'm, I'm like to come to me .... damn!
to come, I will come and let me come .... but they neither come!

Monday, December 7, 2009

What To Say To Stop A Xbox Live Gold Account


anuel Montes was born in 1978 in the city of the Holy Kingdom, in Jaén. His love of magic came at a very early age when he was only 6 years, as the same he says. At that age it sparked a passion that persists today (with the logical intervals through the zigzag of life). Since its inception, what I liked were the letters, to the point of discarding almost everything and keep only that ... with the thoroughness of card magic. Without doubt, the first and most important influence on him in this regard was Juan Tamariz, but who finally scored and was always the master Arturo de Ascanio. Then there was a constant evolution of thought that has followed him until today.

us first exposes magical thinking as a conference in February 2000 when he was only 20 years. After that came the first notes of conference games Cardmagic Manuel Montes ", later in the year 2007 reeditarían an expanded and updated content in a professional format. Since then he has worked with various media publications like the magazine magic Digital " Restless Lady" has made the odd collaboration for the mythical "Misdirection", but his great contribution to the magical thinking it is as founder and partner of the prestigious journal
Manuscript "(known in the first editions as The Manuscript of 20 cents, which occurs with Paco Valero under the direction of our friend Dani Daortiz).

( DaniDaOrtiz and Manu
Montes, founders of the magazine "The Manuscript"

D uring the last two years as a contributor to the manuscript, Forestry has collected many of his theories and philosophy applied to card magic magic, and this work has emerged his first formal. So in September 2009 surprised us with the publication of this, his new book that is already in almost all English magic shops ... "CARTOILUSIONISMO (this is the following)", which is backed by the prestigious publishing Frakson directed by Juan Tamariz.

Montes and Juan Tamariz

(CARTOILUSIONISMO (this is the following ...)")
mong the book's content and philosophy we can find magical theory, the theory of fully developed self-conviction (including anti-contrast technique, natural in natural conditions, study of logic, verbal trickery, subliminal conditioning ...). We find from improntus games with borrowed deck and mixed up with a previous study games development ... (In total over 60 effects!) Of which we highlight an entire chapter dedicated to the famous effect Triunfo popularizado por el lejendario Dai Vernon el cual incluye todo un estudio preliminar de dicha rutina. En sus páginas se explican más de 50 técnicas psicológicas y cartomágicas (carta doble, enseñadas, forzajes, controles, empalmes, transferencias, descargas, cambios, mezclas, cortes, e incluso trampas de juego… ).
(Fotografia del libro Cartoilusionismo-se trata de lo siguiente- realizada por Paco Rodas)

Y todo ello aderezado con una amplia exposición de imágenes, y de fotografías técnicas para disfrute del lector hechas por un gran maestro de la magia y la fotografia, nos referimos Paco Rhodes, magic national award in the specialty of card magic in the X Congress granted the National Magic Tenerife in 1980, patron and close friend of Manuel.

'... Asking the reader to read and consider carefully all the games, because all those hours you devote to its study will grow as a magician and your family, friends and spectators, I sure will notice and appreciate it . ...
Paco Rhodes.

artoilusionismo C (this is following) has had a major impact and excellent reviews, and is an autobiographical look magical and Manuel's passion for card magic. The book contains much of his magical thinking, which as it says we have the opportunity to meet further in future work to expose it as a single volume the size would have been too excessive. So among his current projects, while continuing to offer various lectures and talks, the bonus of getting new books going to pick up card worker part of his mind with ideas such as "Architecture of the magical emotion" or systems to know "How to Build a routine "as well as burning a full dvd new techniques and magical effects.
"... The many hours of reflection, study, páctica, performance, testing, sharing dreams, travel, friends, passion and love of card magic are reflected in these pages, however, are only the beginning of a new journey toward more books, studies and public
"Manuel Montes


(Manuel Montes on one of their conference talks as a presentation of the book CARTOILUSIONISMO ... this is the following, Magic Circle Valdepeñas)

D rom, still recent emergence of "Cartoilusionismo (this is the following ...)", that only about two months on the market, Manuel Montes has given talks and as a speaker presenting each and every one of the concepts and routines that make up the work in the Magic Circle of Jaen, Valdepeñas and Ciudad Real.
(Talk conference Manuel Montes

labuenamagia news come to you that your next appointment ... will be at the Magic Circle Oviedo the next day December 12, where he will participate along with Miguel Angel Gea and DaniDaOrtiz, giving his talk and act together with them.
"... What you have in your hands player, is a great work, conceived and designed with the greatest of delicacies ... I've been excited about the vile veil of deceit, all those who sit in front of him. I've been applying and developing theories that would leave chaos mortals smarter ... Do not be fooled. You have in your hands a very complete work of card magic. Here you'll find everything for all levels ... "

To learn more about the work of Manuel visit their website at ... Http://
or your new blog ... Http://

A Magicordialsaludo Manuel

To all lovers of card magic, we strongly recommend reading this book theory and practice. And take this opportunity to congratulate Manuel Montes for this great work, encouraging him to delight us with more and more samples of his magical thinking to help others build their own routines and understand your particular architecture of the emotion card worker ...
Article written by Carlos Duran.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Remote Car Starter Problem Light Stay On

Two things clear porn

I just made a RT xD osea, retweet hahaha ... it seemed a shame not to post it, so I share it here: Old Man Japanese porn star.
The Japanese always amaze me.
I tried to find the guy in those páginillas I have visited but have not found anything, and really not give me to get my videos that offer some download pages.
Personally, I do not like the old nor the old, the gerontophilia is by no means my choice, on the contrary, think it looks a nasty old man, which is associated with my panic con envejecer y etc etc etc... yuk.
Por otro lado, bien por el viejito no? jajaja.. 35o pelas, ni mi Briana!!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Driver's Licence Renewal Worthington Oh

and Farquhar

good magic Note:
After writing this article in which she intended to present in a sample video of the FISM award-winning acts, the TLA Production made a complaint copyright to you tube for some of these events posted in the multimedia broadcast medium were no longer available as this company owns all copyrights on all the audiovisual material that is derived from recordings made at the world championships organized FISM from the past few years. For this reason we feel that are no longer available some of these acts and are not had the chance to see if either had no opportunity to attend the World Cup. However if in the future are posted on you tube some global conduct after other means of numbers in some of the winning artists will gather here to enjoy our readers. Sorry.
Removing wins Canada and Hungary are two paths to get great prizes, magicians Germans have been better off in this world to get 4 of the prizes in different specialties, followed by the Swedes and the Koreans who are being home 3 awards. Japan, Argentina and China are close behind them to get 2 prizes each country respectively. This is a victory not only for Germany but also to Asian countries this year scored 7 of the awards, probably because of the geographic setting in which was held this 24 edition of the world championship, which has had a a high rate of Asian participants.

S hawn
Farquhar, who won the First Prize of Card Magic, plus the Grand Prix. The Finnish Nivala Kristian won second prize. And the third prize went to French hands Olmac
Shawn Farquhar We say that the act of Shawn Farquhar to use as the soundtrack to the track Shade of my Heart Sting, has aroused much controversy

after World since this issue was used by the magician English Russ Stevens in 1993 for routine handling of cards production stage which appear as the cards are named in the song by Sting, as he has done Farquhar, but as an ambitious menu in the world .. .

(full Act
Shawn Farquhar - Canada

, presented at the World Championships in Beijing. Grand Prize Winner and First Prize Cardmagic)

( Act

Russ Stevens - United Kingdom - recorded in 1993 for the BBC1 TV, using the theme Shade of my Heart Sting .)

( Kristian Nivala
- Finland . Second Prize Cardmagic)

( Olmac - France . Cardmagic Third Prize) SPECIALTY GENERAL MAGIC : E As mentioned above sta specialty was another specialty of this year's Star world championship since it was chosen one of the great prizes in this issue which was submitted to our contest in this field with an original number of mobile production. .. we refer to the Hungarian Hajnóczy Soma Was awarded the First Prize General Magic addition to obtaining the reward of Grand Prix. The second and third prize in this specialty were granted by the FISM to of China Ma Yanyan Siebensinn
and Germany, respectively.

Hajnóczy Soma
and clarify that he number of mobile production presented by Soma to this world and was awarded
months before the "Golden Lion Award" in the past

World Magic Seminar , which assured him a good place world wide, and apparently so er has been being not only worthy of a first Grand Prix prize but that places it among the best magicians in the world stage in the magic scene today. Our most sincere congratulations on this well deserved award. ..

Act Hajnóczy
Soma - Hungary . First Prize General Magic and won the Grand Prix)

( Ma Yanyan
- China . Second Prize General Magic)
- Germany . Third Prize General Magic) micromagic
SPECIALTY: l E first prize was not awarded in this specialty. Vittorio Belloni of Italy won the second place. While third place was shared between Simon Coronel asutraliano and Swedish Johan Stahl. Here are a numbers made by Belloni, Coronel and Stahl in this 24th edition of the world championship.

(Belloni Vittorio -
Italy . Micromagic Second Prize)

(Simon Coronel - Australia . Micromagic Third Prize)

( Johan Stahl - Sweden
micromagic Third Prize) SPECIALTY SALON MAGIC :

L to specialty had a parlor magic good as usual. Marc Obreon UK won first prize. The second prize went to Charlie Caper hands , a recent Swedish winner "Talang2009"
, the Swedish version of your talent. The Argentine Latka ranked third.

( Marc Obreon
- UK. First Prize Magic Show)

( Charlie Caper
- Sweden . Second Prize Magic Show)

Latka - Argentina . Third Prize Magic Show) SPECIALTY OF MAGIC COMIC
E he first put on the magic of comic specialty was not awarded this year. The second place went to Brynolf and Ljung of Sweden. And the third prize went, Danish, Magic Chef

( Brynolf and Ljung - Sweden
. Second Prize for Comedy Magic)

( Magic Chef - Denmark . Third Prize for Comedy Magic)
Mentalism SPECIALTY: E
he first prize will be forfeited. It was originally thought of giving the Argentine Juan Ordeix
by the spectacular event, but later decided to disqualify FISM jury, after long hours of deliberation, arguing against using buddies in an act of mind led to contest. If you want to know the details of such disqualification visit, it's amazing what Bonfi Ariel, a large Ordeix known, expressed in writing to meet
event. Friedrich Nicolai of Germany, a recent finalist in TV contest "Wanted: New Uri Geller" , and Rob and Emiel -Holland, won the second prize. While the third prize went to another Argentine, Tony Montan to .

( Friedrich Nicolai - Germany
. Second Prize Mentalism)

( Rob and Emiel
- Netherlands. Second Prize Mentalism)

( Tony Montana - Argentina . Third Prize Mentalism) HANDLING SPECIALTY :

Sebastian Nicolas, I Kato, Han Seol Hui, Lim has

L a more specialized audience applauded by both the difficulty of the numbers presented as originality and spectacle of themselves. No prize will be forfeited and awarded four artists were being curiously Koreans Mostly. The first prize was shared Yo Kato of Japan and Han Seol Hui of Korea. The second prize was awarded to German Nicolas Sebastian
. And the third prize went to the hands of another koreano ... Lim has An , much applauded by the public, working without a watchman on the scene and frack rigorous classical style to doing spectacular and breathtaking productions of cards. In short, a triumph of Korea in this specialty, which makes us share our views with the jury because we believe the Koreans were the best manipulators of this global issue.

( Hoi Han Seol
- Korea. First Prize Handling)

Yo Kato - Japan . First Prize Handling) Sebastian Nicolas Sebastian Nicolas .
from on Vimeo
( Sebastian Nicolas - Germany. Second Prize Handling)

( An Lim has - Korea. handled Third Prize
C omo is customary for years FISM a prize to the act that it considers most original of all the numbers presented, regardless of whether this is obtained or not an award in his field led to the contest. This year the prize went to another koreano ... Charming Choi , with a curious act developed into a real tank full of water and color. See a sample then surely recognize the music, very properly by the way ...

( Charming Choi - Korea
. Award for Most Original Act) INVENTION AWARD
: C omo is customary for years FISM also awards a prize to the invention. This edition was awarded to English magician Jorge Luengo.

( Jorge Luengo, Spain
. Invention Award) THE BIG ILU SION

l E third prize will be forfeited in this specialty. Julius Frack Germany won the first prize. While the second place went to the group China ... Sky Magic

( Magic Sky Group and
Julius Frack)


Julius Frack - Germany. First Prize in Great Illusion)
Julius Frack

Sunday, July 19, 2009

How To Make A Bandana Air Hole

Accounts ... Peru 21

De pronto, debo admitirlo, me dió una especie de ataque de pánico pensando que podía estar embarazada de quien menos debía.
No porque fuera únicamente sexo ocasional, sexo amical o sexo no sé ni como llamarlo.

Cuando Muchacho Malo y yo nos veíamos antes, y de eso hace más de 5 años, había pasado algo similar. La entonces Pepa, me leyó las cartas y me dijo que estaba embarazada de él. Una de Egyptian his letters and had jumped the initial letter of his name. Surprised because I knew I could not be true, but she began to change the face and say, "I told this asshole to take care, nurture and not harm you!" I was shocked to hear her talk more so in the alleged pregnancy.

Last night I started thinking about a thousand crap as ever and that comes from Bridget Jones for the umpteenth time on TV and my earrings the next day, I is the subject of the happy rule was not stated.

could not be that a miracle had occurred and that has been repeated Christmas miracle ... no! (SEB was fathered at Christmas between 6 and 8 December)

I jumped into bed cagandome of laughter because the last time I had delayed a bun was assembled at home. ( read it in my other blog ?)

Well, the time between beginning to fall asleep with the TV on, I thought "How could I explain to you mate shagging had a few weeks of pregnancy? " hahaha ... I began to hallucinate and bullshit, and of course how SEB has been talking about his "brother or sister," I have played a thousand eggs in the unconscious.


every woman, bring him and freaked out my birth possible for late February or early March, I would start the first semester of chamba.

thought and breaks up medical checks and having to go through cesarean section.

I realized some things

1. I am a 100% pro-abortion, but not abort this child, no sir. As happened with SEB, come at an unexpected time but desired.

2. I explained to SEB that first I need a boyfriend who wants to be a dad, and suddenly, no boyfriend or anything, would bring tremendous news.

3. At this age, I can only laugh breaks hallucinating false pregnancies and post-partum.
4. Why is it that I always forget to note the dates as I have to believe that sexual partner should not take attention to these days? And that my Calendar is a menstrual calendar Maitena.
5. Bad Boy, why you treat me so? Hahaha. It happens to idiots. Of course, as more than 5 years, do not say anything.
Ah! Now for those things in life, the Virgin of Carmen stood in front of me, I said that if a child ... bear his name;)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ap Bio Lab 8 Answers Hardy Weinberg Problems

had this in draft since November 12, 2007 ... amazing! How we miss some things ... and hopefully let others pass.

was on msn and one of the many contacts that I have removed that had made me notice something about the blog, and of course thanks required. Well thanks. The
small article where I mentioned to this humble blog, in fact, only personal data has been copied in the title but is grateful for the endorsement.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

How Common Is Hpv In The Throat

Eat out

was looking for pictures for my students ... and see with what I found!

So who will not go out to eat? hahaha. I thought worthy of sharing on the blog and that class would be impossible.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Whitehallboatf Or Sale Used

Ok, all this publicity to create or institutionalize Day Friend's ... and I propose now, Affectionate Friendship Day!

Peru is assumed that the brewers want to do in July, I read that in Paraguay is the 20th of that month.

all have different kinds of friends, I must confess that I have virtual friends, I've ever seen in person but have been able to say things very clear and precise, but another issue, are loving friends. (And of course the loving friends)

Because "that friend" you can not get into the same bag of "mutual friend" NEVER!

So, it must be a special day.

suggest: End of month of every month, month and officially to celebrate together;)

After all, that are friends ... loving!

Health Bad Boy: P

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sample Newspaper Memorial Ads

Affectionate Friendship Day Costumes

Well, more for curiosity than necessity, I have not really who you use and do not think I'll use something like this given my new decision of celibacy (if then) - but today came looking on Aviation Avenue costumes and as I said all sizes and I ... I need to see xD toooooodas it difficult to find anything in my size-roche- then went to the website saying , and saw that he had bone size XL, fine, but no prices mentioned blog , and that an outfit that has virtually no material costs S /. 350. oo and it seemed more expensive than a shelter, say, for covering hahaha.
Anyway. A few weeks ago I was looking at other models, no costumes and beautiful lingerie-mentioned size XL. It is not easy, it seems that only the thin can be sexy: (
exotic outfits, perhaps, sexy lingerie, of course! Costumes expensive step. Of course I'm still thinking in black latex and well, just thinking, I'm not for these things.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Scab In Nostril Causes


Tarak Mehta Ka Ulta Chasma Water Tank


Friday, April 24, 2009

Japanese Tosa Shampon Of 2010

hippie hippie Jay jay jay

I'm out:)
Thanks for being there.
return ....
If I wait, I will thank you! Although in reality it is only this week and then, goodbye total. Bbaa

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Small Red Dots On Tongue

Sex and Braces

I was wondering ... how a session can vary these if one of the two-or both-using the brackets, or braces happy English-??
And no, I'll have to wait 2 years to know lol.
I remembered it when in a scene from The Sweetest Thing, full Sexion oral sex, she is engaged with the piercing it. I mean, I thought that maybe between the brackets could rob some pubic hairs, which is to say: Adios hairy hairless Welcome!
Looking for information on the net, I found this comment , a forum and the videito resembling what had been freaking

Monday, March 2, 2009

Batavus Starflite Moped

Municipal Decree

The Municipality of Lima has exposed decree law that punishes people for offenses to morality: MUNICIPAL ORDER

No-69 / 69 / 69 / 69
Attention: General Office:
The Municipality of Lima in accordance with article No. 13 of Decree Law No. 25515 of the Constitution of the Republic of Peru, and seen the background and powers conferred on the Law No. 69 of the Constitution of the National decrees as follows:
From the date the couple of lovers, boyfriends or lovers who were caught in prohibited areas such as municipal parks, plazas, Dark Corners, lonely place, Vehicle Interior, beaches or other similar places, they are fined according to the following provisions and charges:
(Decree 69-90,> which refers to ethics and morality in the country).
- THE HAND THAT S /. 50.00
- IN THE HAND THAT S/.100.00
- THAT IN THAT S/.150.00
300.00 - THAT? NOW! NOT THAT S/.350.00
NOTE: Those who were surprised with those in the mouth or mouth into That, pay a fine according to the size of "That".
For knowledge of the general public give the definitions of 'it':
1. Not bat, but lives hung.
2. Not accordion, but it stretches and shrinks.
3. There is a soldier, but attacks from all sides.
4. Do not think, but has no head.
5. It is not attractive, but I say cute.
6. Not analgesic but I say soothing.
7. Not palm, but has coconuts.
8. Not belong to any club, but they tell Member.
9. Not guanaco but spits. 10.No
is a gentleman but stands before the Ladies.
Municipal Decree No. 69 / 69 / 69 / 69, as in the city of Lima on the 27 day of February, two thousand nine

Another thong ... a student!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Small Painless Red Dots On Tongue

Editorial Note thong

A joke of those who sent me the friends like to hang out xD

how to write well

Secretary of the convent is writing a letter and begins:

'Dear Monsignor " ............
He realizes that he may misinterpret his words and start again: 'Most Rev.'......................... Reconsiders
think it's too formal and writes:

'Sr. Monsignor '....................
This seems too mundane, so he decides that the best is:

'Don Bishop'.................
But to be sure not to screw it up, asks the Mother Superior:

Mother, Bishop turns to 'Don'?
course puts condom daughter, if not the convent would be a kindergarten!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Dell No Supported Web Cam

New type of thong?

Fashion does not bother?

to see what they think of the thong without strips.

here and if you can come back, tell me:)

Team for a night of passion alone?

Toy girls alone?

For my part, I find it somewhat uncomfortable to go to Chamber xD

Seriously, there are girls using this ???????