Monday, December 7, 2009
What To Say To Stop A Xbox Live Gold Account
anuel Montes was born in 1978 in the city of the Holy Kingdom, in Jaén. His love of magic came at a very early age when he was only 6 years, as the same he says. At that age it sparked a passion that persists today (with the logical intervals through the zigzag of life). Since its inception, what I liked were the letters, to the point of discarding almost everything and keep only that ... with the thoroughness of card magic. Without doubt, the first and most important influence on him in this regard was Juan Tamariz, but who finally scored and was always the master Arturo de Ascanio. Then there was a constant evolution of thought that has followed him until today.
us first exposes magical thinking as a conference in February 2000 when he was only 20 years. After that came the first notes of conference games Cardmagic Manuel Montes ", later in the year 2007 reeditarían an expanded and updated content in a professional format. Since then he has worked with various media publications like the magazine magic Digital " Restless Lady" has made the odd collaboration for the mythical "Misdirection", but his great contribution to the magical thinking it is as founder and partner of the prestigious journal
Manuscript "(known in the first editions as The Manuscript of 20 cents, which occurs with Paco Valero under the direction of our friend Dani Daortiz).
( DaniDaOrtiz and Manu
Montes, founders of the magazine "The Manuscript"
) anuel Montes was born in 1978 in the city of the Holy Kingdom, in Jaén. His love of magic came at a very early age when he was only 6 years, as the same he says. At that age it sparked a passion that persists today (with the logical intervals through the zigzag of life). Since its inception, what I liked were the letters, to the point of discarding almost everything and keep only that ... with the thoroughness of card magic. Without doubt, the first and most important influence on him in this regard was Juan Tamariz, but who finally scored and was always the master Arturo de Ascanio. Then there was a constant evolution of thought that has followed him until today.
us first exposes magical thinking as a conference in February 2000 when he was only 20 years. After that came the first notes of conference games Cardmagic Manuel Montes ", later in the year 2007 reeditarían an expanded and updated content in a professional format. Since then he has worked with various media publications like the magazine magic Digital " Restless Lady" has made the odd collaboration for the mythical "Misdirection", but his great contribution to the magical thinking it is as founder and partner of the prestigious journal
Manuscript "(known in the first editions as The Manuscript of 20 cents, which occurs with Paco Valero under the direction of our friend Dani Daortiz).
( DaniDaOrtiz and Manu
Montes, founders of the magazine "The Manuscript"
D uring the last two years as a contributor to the manuscript, Forestry has collected many of his theories and philosophy applied to card magic magic, and this work has emerged his first formal. So in September 2009 surprised us with the publication of this, his new book that is already in almost all English magic shops ... "CARTOILUSIONISMO (this is the following)", which is backed by the prestigious publishing Frakson directed by Juan Tamariz.
Montes and Juan Tamariz (CARTOILUSIONISMO (this is the following ...)")
mong the book's content and philosophy we can find magical theory, the theory of fully developed self-conviction (including anti-contrast technique, natural in natural conditions, study of logic, verbal trickery, subliminal conditioning ...). We find from improntus games with borrowed deck and mixed up with a previous study games development ... (In total over 60 effects!) Of which we highlight an entire chapter dedicated to the famous effect Triunfo popularizado por el lejendario Dai Vernon el cual incluye todo un estudio preliminar de dicha rutina. En sus páginas se explican más de 50 técnicas psicológicas y cartomágicas (carta doble, enseñadas, forzajes, controles, empalmes, transferencias, descargas, cambios, mezclas, cortes, e incluso trampas de juego… ).
(Fotografia del libro Cartoilusionismo-se trata de lo siguiente- realizada por Paco Rodas)
Y todo ello aderezado con una amplia exposición de imágenes, y de fotografías técnicas para disfrute del lector hechas por un gran maestro de la magia y la fotografia, nos referimos Paco Rhodes, magic national award in the specialty of card magic in the X Congress granted the National Magic Tenerife in 1980, patron and close friend of Manuel.
'... Asking the reader to read and consider carefully all the games, because all those hours you devote to its study will grow as a magician and your family, friends and spectators, I sure will notice and appreciate it . ...
Paco Rhodes. ...
(Manuel Montes on one of their conference talks as a presentation of the book CARTOILUSIONISMO ... this is the following, Magic Circle Valdepeñas)
D rom, still recent emergence of "Cartoilusionismo (this is the following ...)", that only about two months on the market, Manuel Montes has given talks and as a speaker presenting each and every one of the concepts and routines that make up the work in the Magic Circle of Jaen, Valdepeñas and Ciudad Real.
(Talk conference Manuel Montes
N (Talk conference Manuel Montes
labuenamagia news come to you that your next appointment ... will be at the Magic Circle Oviedo the next day December 12, where he will participate along with Miguel Angel Gea and DaniDaOrtiz, giving his talk and act together with them.
"... What you have in your hands player, is a great work, conceived and designed with the greatest of delicacies ... I've been excited about the vile veil of deceit, all those who sit in front of him. I've been applying and developing theories that would leave chaos mortals smarter ... Do not be fooled. You have in your hands a very complete work of card magic. Here you'll find everything for all levels ... "
Daortiz Dani.
To learn more about the work of Manuel visit their website at ... Http://
or your new blog ... Http://
or your new blog ... Http://
To all lovers of card magic, we strongly recommend reading this book theory and practice. And take this opportunity to congratulate Manuel Montes for this great work, encouraging him to delight us with more and more samples of his magical thinking to help others build their own routines and understand your particular architecture of the emotion card worker ...
To all lovers of card magic, we strongly recommend reading this book theory and practice. And take this opportunity to congratulate Manuel Montes for this great work, encouraging him to delight us with more and more samples of his magical thinking to help others build their own routines and understand your particular architecture of the emotion card worker ...
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