Throughout a week, which runs from Monday 14 to Sunday 20 February, ie the week before the famous "Memorial Ascanio, will meet at the Teatro Circo Price in Madrid great specialists of illusionism in small and large format to give life to a new media festival hosted by illusionist Jorge Blass. We refer to the First International Magic Festival in Madrid.
- Two conferences-show, one on 'History of Magic' by Juan Tamariz on 16 February at 17.30 hours. And the other entitled 'The strength of the illusion' with Fernando Botella (BA in Biological Sciences and Professor of EOI) and Jorge Blass (International Illusionist) on 17 February at 17.30 hours.
- An unforgettable images, "Magic for the blind 'from the hand of Juan Esteban Varela (Chile), from 14 to 19 February at 17.30 hours. Limited capacity.
- An International Gala, an hour and a half, with Kevin James (USA), Jerome Murat (France), Sos and Victoria (Germany), Yunke (Spain), Mike Caveney (USA) and Tina Lenert (USA) in a performance led by Jorge Blass (Spain). Schedule of Performances: Tuesday through Friday at 20:30 pm Saturday at 18:00 h and 20:30 h. wings and Sunday 12:00 h and 18:00 h.
"Live Magic is a wonderful experience, no matter how old you are, we were all fascinated by it. In this first International Festival Magia de Madrid queremos reunir el talento de grandes ilusionistas excelentes en su especialidad. Por primera vez en Madrid, todos ellos aúnan sus fuerzas para crear una gala emocionante que sin duda te dejará boquiabierto. Porque la MAGIA no está en el truco, ni siquiera en el mago, la magia está en la mirada de un espectador ilusionado…”
[ Jorge Blass . Director del festival ]
Nota de la buena MAGIA:
Aunque dicho festival, se presenta como el primero de esta índole contando con la participación renowned artists renowned national and international meeting to create an entire magical event a week in the Villa de Madrid. We say, not truthfully and honoring the great task so magical magical previous generations, which is not the first to be held in Madrid, in this time and that an international character. Even if it is the first organized by Jorge Blass in Price with international character.
In fact, although shorter and national character, there have been several festivals, such as the Magic of the Circus Festival of the 50's Price. Let us assume that developed in April 1958 presented by none Matias Prast and acting so dearly magicians known as the manipulator Joe Burk or the great comedian Karabi July.
emphasize the fact that only a year after the conclusion of the festival Joe Burk would be awarded in Seville in the Third National Magic Congress, held in 1959, gaining two positions in the specialties of micromagic and Card Magic. The grand prize this year would be for a great teacher ... Arturo de Ascanio.
(In the picture, part of a poster of Magic Circus Festival Price, courtesy of Ana Tamariz)
And with longer life and character There was also international, although no longer held at the Circo Price. To support our claim, and with all our respect and admiration for the great work of Jorge behind this new "First International Magic Festival of the Circus Price" - which perhaps would be the most appropriate name for it, "bring up one of the first such international event held in Madrid, which a server had the honor to attend ... We refer specifically to the
was held at the year 1991 in the Cultural Center Villa and directed by the great magician, actor and theater director .. Juan Gabriel , which was responsible for organizing and coordinating with the invaluable help of Joaquin Moreno and J. Gil Paulino .
The event extended from 27 to 30 June 1991 , included performances of magicians from the U.S. , Netherlands, France , Colombia , Italy, Portugal and Spain . And this week took place four international galas magic scene, composed by different programs and the best artists of the moment, all owners of several international awards gala and a close-up magic, also composed of highly acclaimed figures of prestigious national and international.
Thus, organized a gala opening scene by Juan Tamariz the participation ... Magic Trebol (Spain), Vitu Lupo (USA), Richard Ross (Netherlands), Pierre Edernac (France), Tomsoni (USA) and The Pendragon `s (USA).
A second stage gala attended by in order of performance, Anthony Blake (Spain), Tomsoni (USA), Pierrre Edernac (France) and Gustavo Lorgia (Colombia).
The close-up magic gala counted with Rafael Benatar , Camilo Vázquez , Aldo Colombini, Joaquín Navajas and Miguel Gomez .
In the third stage gala attended Aldo Colombini (Italy), Vito Lupo (USA), Juan Mayoral (Spain) and The Pendragon `s ( USA).
Y la gala de clausura, casi de índole nacional salvo por la participación portuguesa, fue presentada por Juan Gabriel , y contó con Los Magicus (Barcelona), Luis de Matos ( Portugal), Enric Magoo (Barcelona), Ya-Lipu (Salamanca), José Domínguez (Cadiz), Juan Mayoral (León) y Georges & Marguerite (Barcelona).
En definitiva, todo un lujo de festival.
Aclaremos que dos de nuestros compatriotas que actuaron en la gala de clausura, como son Juan Mayoral y Enric Magoo , tras este festival viajaron ese mismo año a Lausane para participar en la XVIII Edición del Campeonato del Mundo de Magia consiguiendo un Primer y Tercer Premio respectivamente en las categorias de Magia General y Magia Cómica .
Autor. Carlos Durán .
[ Jorge Blass . Director del festival ]
Nota de la buena MAGIA:
Aunque dicho festival, se presenta como el primero de esta índole contando con la participación renowned artists renowned national and international meeting to create an entire magical event a week in the Villa de Madrid. We say, not truthfully and honoring the great task so magical magical previous generations, which is not the first to be held in Madrid, in this time and that an international character. Even if it is the first organized by Jorge Blass in Price with international character.
In fact, although shorter and national character, there have been several festivals, such as the Magic of the Circus Festival of the 50's Price. Let us assume that developed in April 1958 presented by none Matias Prast and acting so dearly magicians known as the manipulator Joe Burk or the great comedian Karabi July.
emphasize the fact that only a year after the conclusion of the festival Joe Burk would be awarded in Seville in the Third National Magic Congress, held in 1959, gaining two positions in the specialties of micromagic and Card Magic. The grand prize this year would be for a great teacher ... Arturo de Ascanio.
(In the picture, part of a poster of Magic Circus Festival Price, courtesy of Ana Tamariz)
And with longer life and character There was also international, although no longer held at the Circo Price. To support our claim, and with all our respect and admiration for the great work of Jorge behind this new "First International Magic Festival of the Circus Price" - which perhaps would be the most appropriate name for it, "bring up one of the first such international event held in Madrid, which a server had the honor to attend ... We refer specifically to the
was held at the year 1991 in the Cultural Center Villa and directed by the great magician, actor and theater director .. Juan Gabriel , which was responsible for organizing and coordinating with the invaluable help of Joaquin Moreno and J. Gil Paulino .
The event extended from 27 to 30 June 1991 , included performances of magicians from the U.S. , Netherlands, France , Colombia , Italy, Portugal and Spain . And this week took place four international galas magic scene, composed by different programs and the best artists of the moment, all owners of several international awards gala and a close-up magic, also composed of highly acclaimed figures of prestigious national and international.
Thus, organized a gala opening scene by Juan Tamariz the participation ... Magic Trebol (Spain), Vitu Lupo (USA), Richard Ross (Netherlands), Pierre Edernac (France), Tomsoni (USA) and The Pendragon `s (USA).
A second stage gala attended by in order of performance, Anthony Blake (Spain), Tomsoni (USA), Pierrre Edernac (France) and Gustavo Lorgia (Colombia).
The close-up magic gala counted with Rafael Benatar , Camilo Vázquez , Aldo Colombini, Joaquín Navajas and Miguel Gomez .
In the third stage gala attended Aldo Colombini (Italy), Vito Lupo (USA), Juan Mayoral (Spain) and The Pendragon `s ( USA).
Y la gala de clausura, casi de índole nacional salvo por la participación portuguesa, fue presentada por Juan Gabriel , y contó con Los Magicus (Barcelona), Luis de Matos ( Portugal), Enric Magoo (Barcelona), Ya-Lipu (Salamanca), José Domínguez (Cadiz), Juan Mayoral (León) y Georges & Marguerite (Barcelona).
En definitiva, todo un lujo de festival.
Aclaremos que dos de nuestros compatriotas que actuaron en la gala de clausura, como son Juan Mayoral y Enric Magoo , tras este festival viajaron ese mismo año a Lausane para participar en la XVIII Edición del Campeonato del Mundo de Magia consiguiendo un Primer y Tercer Premio respectivamente en las categorias de Magia General y Magia Cómica .
Autor. Carlos Durán .
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